Sunday 26 May 2013

Daily Holy Slokas 27.05.13 to 02.06.13

Om Sadaashivaaya Vidhmahe' Jathaadharaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Rudhrah Pracho Dhayaath

Agajaanana Padmaarkam, Gajaananam Aharnisham
Anekadantham Bhaktaanaam, Ekadantam Upaasmahey"
Lord Ganesha, the elephant faced is like sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. The
single tusked Ganesha is the giver of boons. I salute the great lord to grant us a boon.

"Kaayena Vaachaa Manasendriyairvaa
Buddhyaatmanaa Vaa Prakriteh Svabhaavaatah
Karomi Yadhyadh Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayanaayeti Samarpayaami"
The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I offer everything to Lord Vishnu (Narayana);
whatever I do with my body, words, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self whether intentionally
or unintentionally. I bow to the great lord, Vishnu".

Om Datthaatreyaaya Vidhmahe' Atriputraaya Dheemahi
Thanno Dattah Pracho Dhayaath

Om dham dhanadhanyai Vidhmahe' sreem ratipriyaayai Dheemahi
hreem swaahaa sakti Pracho Dhayaath

Om SvaanadhwajaayaVidhmahe' Soola hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Bhairavah Pracho Dhayaath

Om Anjaneyaaya Vidhmahe' mahaabalaaya Oheemahi
Tannah Kapihi Pracho Dhayaath

Thondai naattu Guru sthalangal - Guru peyarchi spl. one day tour.  Thakkolam , Koovaram , Govinda vaadi Agaram , Kaayaarohanam, Thenambakkam etc. Rs. 540/-  Book b4 thu.

"Life without God
is like an unsharpened pencil
- it has no point."

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God

- தேனுபுரீஸ்வரதாசன் இல. சங்கர்.

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